Natural Solutions

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Natural Solutions



Counsel Ralph and several interested persons discuss resisting masking and "vaccine" mandates regarding the COVID EUA jabs.

Richard Sacks of Lost Arts and Lorilee Potvin are interviewed by Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph

Dr. Rima talks about harm and lack of benefit of sanitary masking
Her Masking eBook is here:

Dr. Rima interviews Ian Trottier and Dr. Ardis on the unavoidably unsafe COVID "vaccine" approved under an Emergency Use Authorization. Does the shedding of spike protein occur? Can anyone be protected from second-hand adverse reactions?

Ian is a young freedom advocate

Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph interview Counsel Greg Glasser

Dr. Rima interviews Dr. Brad

Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph Interview Rabbi Green

Dr. Rima Laibow revisits and updates her viral video Nutricide.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

10 videos

Category Health & Medical

Natural Solutions Foundation is a nongovernmental private association founded in 2004 by the late Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army) and his wife, Rima E. Laibow, MD. The Foundation advocates for natural health and health freedom through Open Source Truth, and other social media and web sites.